Revision History ================ 1.1 Pre-Release Notes March 95 - My search for DOS security programs is unsuccessful. The general idea for Sentry is formed. April 95 - Coding for Sentry begins. May 95 - Still coding... June 95 - Sentry is now a complete program. July 95 - Beta testing. Many updates made. 1.2 Sentry V1.0 Release Date: 20 July 95 - Sentry V1.0 (Shareware) is released. Contains basic functionality. At this point, Sentry is approximately 1700 lines of code. 1.3 Sentry V1.1 Release Date: 27 July 95 - Sentry V1.1 Released. V1.1 fixes some serious bugs in V1.0, and has these additions: * Date format is selectable. * Users with no password expiration are not assigned an expiry date on entering a new password. * Incorrect password verification displayed immediately when creating a new user, or toggling SuperUser status. 1.4 Sentry V1.2 Release Date: 29 July 95 - Sentry V1.2 Released. Some more minor bugs are repaired and several areas are updated. Additions are: * Memory management improved. * All user stats now shown instead of just login name. * The keyboard buffer is flushed after an invalid login attempt. 1.5 Sentry V1.3 Release Date: 01 Aug 95 - Sentry V1.3 Released. Again, more bugs were fixed in this version. Additions are: * The log file is now much more detailed than before, and includes a time stamp on every action. * A bug with deleting a user listed as 15th or later in the password file has been fixed. (Regardless of what page the user you selected to delete was on, a user from the first page was always deleted). * A bug in the multi-user display was fixed. (If the last page contained one user, you could not page down to see him). 1.6 Sentry V1.4 Release Date: 08 Aug 95 - Sentry V1.4 Released. Some minor changes have been made, mostly for the sake of appearance. Additions are: * The Sentry.ini file now allows the user to select the colours to be used for normal and highlighted text. * Input routines have been improved and simplified. Inappropriate characters have been stripped from the input stream. 1.7 Sentry V2.0 Release Date: 11 Aug 95 - Sentry V2.0 Released. Many revisions, fixes and additions have been made to the program for this release. Most of the update ideas came from Bret Jacobsen. Additions include: * Invalid login/password length messages (both to the screen and log file) are user-definable in the Sentry.ini file. * If a normal user attempts to log in as a SuperUser, it is recorded in the log file. * The SuperUser Login flag is cleared after an invalid login. (This is a bug fix: previously if CTRL-ENTER was pressed during an invalid login attempt, the next successful login attempt would be as a SuperUser, as long as the user had access). * A bug with the Toggle SuperUser Access option corrupting the time stamps has been fixed. * The log file is again re-organized to be more "readable." * You can no longer delete the last SuperUser on your system (thereby locking yourself out). Sentry performs a check previous to deletion and will abort if you are deleting the last SuperUser. * A bug with the input skipping characters was fixed. * After a successful login, the number of invalid login attempts since your last successful login is now shown. * The user can now abort a password change, unless the password has expired. * The option to reset an account's password has been added to the SuperUser menu. * You can now define the number of invalid logins permissible before an account expires (locks up). The default setting is defined in the Sentry.ini file, and the settings for individual accounts can be modified from the SuperUser menu. 1.8 Sentry V2.1 Release Date: 20 Aug 95 - Modifications include: * Input no longer automatically ends after "MaxPasswordLen" characters have been entered at the login or password prompts. Input continues as required, however only "MaxPasswordLen" characters are used. Any extra characters are discarded. * Case sensitivity for logins can now be turned on and off via the Sentry.ini file. This is applicable to logins only, passwords are still case sensitive. 1.9 Sentry V2.2 Release Date: 10 Sep 95 - Modifications include: * Sentry now uses windowed screens for all output, as opposed to simply directing output to the entire screen. * When entering dates, the year is now checked. If it is not 4 characters, the user is forced to re-enter it. This was causing problems with Sentry accepting '96' as a valid year, and subsequently not translating correctly. * A bug with the password encoding scheme has been fixed. The encryption used to truncate passwords at length 8, causing only the first 8 characters to be recognized. For SuperUsers, this meant that passwords over 8 would not contain the SuperUser stamp (it was truncated). This problem has now been rectified, and passwords are significant for MaxPasswordLen characters. All in all, this seriously increases the amount of security available from Sentry. NOTE: Because of the above modification, older versions of Sentry cannot use password files from V2.2 and up. The reverse is not true however, as Sentry V2.2 can use password files all the way back to V1.0. Also note that to use passwords over 8 characters, you must re-create the old passwords. This can be easily done by selecting the "Change Account Password" option from the SuperUser menu. 1.10 Sentry V2.3 Release Date: 24 Sep 95 - Modifications include: * Small bugs with windowed mode have been fixed. * Windowed mode is now optional. For those that prefer "normal" operation, you can set that in the Sentry.ini file. * Log file viewing can now handle long lines, and you can skip to the end of the file by pressing the ESC key once. * Quickstart instructions are now included in the Qstart.txt file. 1.11 Sentry V2.4 Release Date: 06 Oct 95 - Modifications include: * The Sentry.ini file can now be edited from the SuperUser menu. The user can get information on each attribute, including a brief description, security notes, default setting, and the current setting just by selecting which attribute they wish to change. 1.12 Sentry V2.5 Release Date: 10 Oct 95 - Modifications include: * Sentry can now be run from any location. The user does not have to be in the Sentry home directory for it to work properly. 1.13 Sentry V2.6 Release Date: 25 Oct 95 - Modifications include: * The SuperUser may modify the "Login:" and "Password:" prompts to suit their custom environment. These are changed either through the Sentry.ini file or via the SuperUser menu. * Any setting changes made via the SuperUser menu are now recorded in the log file. This will help SuperUser keep a history of setting changes, which is useful in the case of a security audit. * An environment variable is now set by Sentry upon successful login. The variable is set to the username of the person logging in. This can be very useful if you wish other programs to link with Sentry and perform specific actions depending on who is logging in. (For example: if it is a SuperUser logging in, you may wish to display some system stats, or you may want to display individual greetings (or warnings) based on who is logging in). 1.14 Sentry V2.7 Release Date: 28 Oct 95 - Modifications include: * Sentry now uses a screen saver to blank the screen during idle periods. Although this feature does not add to Sentry's security, it now means that users can run Sentry before leaving their terminal and not worry about burn-in. 1.15 Sentry V3.0 Release Date: 10 Nov 95 - Modifications include: * The old password and Sentry.ini files are no more! These files have been done away with, since they posed a slight security risk. This removes the need to edit the initialization settings by hand. * You can no longer revoke SuperUser access from the last SuperUser on your system. By doing this, you could potentially lock yourself out of your system, so it is not a valid option any more. * "Exploding Windows" are now available. These can be turned on via the initialization settings. This is for appearance only, and has no effect on functionality. * The user can now select a message to appear randomly on the screen during the screen saver. This fixes a bug in previous versions where the cursor remained in the upper left corner during the screen saver, which could case burn-in. * Upon exiting the SuperUser menu, the screen is restored to the way it was before Sentry was run. This eliminates the problem of sensitive information remaining on your screen. 1.16 Sentry V3.1 Release Date: 03 Dec 95 - Modifications include: * The user can now select the character to be echoed to the screen when a password is entered. In addition, the user can chose to have no character or the actual character echoed. * The log file now records when the Sentry DOS shell is entered and exited. 1.17 Sentry V3.2 Release Date: 08 Dec 95 - Modifications include: * The maxixum number of invalid logins can now be set during user creation. * The initialization settings contain a parameter for automatically expiring accounts that have been inactive for a given amount of time. * SuperUsers can now send a one-line memo to any user (including themself). This is useful for reminders, warnings, or explainations (why is user X locked out?). 1.18 Sentry V3.3 Release Date: 20 Dec 95 - Modifications include: * SuperUsers now have the ability to protect a file. That is, when they run this option on a given executable file, that file becomes "protected." The next time that file is run, Sentry will execute. If a correct login and password are given, then the original file is executed, otherwise the user is locked out. * The initialization settings can now be exported and re-loaded during an upgrade. (IE: you don't have to rebuild your entire account structure and preferences each time you upgrade.) * Faster disk I/O. * Many sections of code have been optimized. * Message files can now reside on a drive other than the drive that Sentry.exe is on. This is a bug fix from 3.2. * Windows now have titles. 1.19 Sentry V3.4 Release Date: 01 Jan 96 - Modifications include: * Install program now handles many of the "low-level" procedures, including file copying and editing. This removes the much of the burden from the user during the install. 1.20 Sentry V3.5 Release Date: 05 Jan 96 - Modifications include: * The log file has been slightly re-designed. Now each user has their own "log file" which can be viewed and/or purged. This makes it easier to track an individual's activities - all you have to do is view their log file to see everything they have done, without the extra clutter. * File protection has been slightly re-worked to be compatible with more files.